Friday, September 13, 2019

Be An Anthropologist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Be An Anthropologist - Essay Example This may have resulted from the existence of independent sub-fields within the subject. This paper will, therefore, investigate anthropology from a physical anthropologist perspective. The paper will also examine evolution based on cultural anthropology. The discussion within this paper seeks to establish the relationship between the two different points of view and its implications towards the subject. Physical anthropology is both a social science as well as a biological science. Physical anthropology deals with adaptations and variations in the human species as implied by biological principles and theories. The social aspect of physical anthropology seeks to establish the implications of human variations and adaptations on human behavior and culture. Human evolution stands out as a major subject within physical anthropology since it determines human developments and relations. Physical anthropologists consider evolution as accumulation of changes within consecutive generations. Th is implies that evolution results from the heritage of inheritable factors from successive generations. Although there are several inheritable characteristics within the human species, not all potential characteristics contribute to evolution. The desirable character within a population dominates the undesirable characteristics within a successive generation in a given population. ... Physical anthropologists analyze DNA to study human evolution, and this indicates the importance of biology in the subject. DNA is a substance contained in all living cells of an organism. Biologists claim that this substance contains or carries hereditary materials (gene) from parents to their offspring. Studying the DNA enables anthropologists to define the relationship between people. DNA analysis enables physical anthropologists to study successive changes within humanity that constitute evolution. The analysis, therefore, enables a physical anthropologist to validate the existence of evolution. Differences within humanity resulting from geographical disparities can also be explained through DNA analysis. DNA analysis is important to a physical anthropologist; however, it does not sufficiently explain the origin and evolution of the human race. Physical anthropologists also consider cultural analysis to be an important aspect of the discipline. To study evolution, physical anthro pologists study the relationships between culture and biological characteristics of humanity and rely on knowledge and theories developed by other academic discipline. Biological theories and principles on DNA enable physical anthropologists to study human evolution and evolutionary differences. Studying different languages among different communities also contributes to evolution knowledge among physical anthropologists. The book Man, Mind and Science by Leaf is a very useful resource in anthropology. The resource contains relevant information on physical anthropology. According to the resource, evolution is a continuous process that depends on various aspect of humanity. The source proves that evolution theories can only be validated through a

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